Dudgeon, P., Darwin, L., Hirvonen, T., Boe, M., Johnson, R., Cox, R., Gregory, L., McKenna, R., McKenna, V., Smith, D., Turner, J., Von Helle, S., and Garrett, L. (2018). We are not the problem, we are part of the solution: Indigenous Lived Experience Project Report. The University of Western Australia, School of Indigenous Studies.
In June 2018, the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP) and the Black Dog Institute co-hosted a workshop in Perth, to investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lived experiences of suicide. Specific outcomes from the workshop showed that the lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was different to others. There was urgent need for the provision of culturally appropriate services and responses to Indigenous suicide prevention.
This report and associated publications intends to present specific insights from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lived experience of suicide. This could lead to positive and culturally responsive change by providing government and organisations with specialised information. Despite the everyday adversity that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities face, all participants highlighted the strengths and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. Building upon these strengths is recognised as crucial in working towards a more positive and hope-filled future.